Can you cast feather fall in time with 1 reaction, considering the “Xanathar’s guide” rules on falling?

Ranger Horizon Walker, is Planar Warrior ability need to use bonus each turn to deal Force damage?

Are magic items excluded from benefiting from an adamantium coating via Xanathar’s rules?

Is it possible to Twin Spell Dragon Breath or Booming Blade?

If you crit as an Arcane Archer and use Exploding Arrow to get an addition 2d6 would that damage also double?

What’s the in-house opinion about options from Sword Coast Adventure’s Guide that weren’t put in Xanathar’s?

The art for Infernal Calling showing a Horned Devil despite the max possible CR for the spell being 10?

Can we talk about the art for Infernal Calling in Xanathars showing a Horned Devil (CR11) being summoned despite the max possible CR for the spell being 10? #dnd my hopes are dashed