If a Peace Cleric uses Protective Bond, and the raging barbarian uses its reaction to take the piercing damage in place of his ally, does he take full damage?

Is cutting words the same as Hex?

Does a Polearm Master opportunity attack interrupt movement?

Does a polearm master opportunity attack interrupt movement?

It doesnt interrupt movement being an opportunity attack?

Ok so it works differently than a normal opportunity attack then, which interurpt before leaving your reach (otherwise target would be out) And thus not interurpting creature ‘entering your reach”, more reacting after they did. Polearm Master fluff say you can keep your enemies at bay with reach weapons is not really true if attack is when adjacent

Why distance discrepency opportunity attack provoke base on weapon? You said earlier reach weapon dont increase if not attacking?
Trying to get where yur coming from leave Reg opportunity attack with halberd when leaving your reach, creature is adjacent or 10 ft away?

Don’t spell saves seem a bit low?

If a Warlock forgoes an attack to let his Pact of the Chain familiar attack does it occur immediately?

Do you think Uncanny Dodge halve the damage from spells?

Do you think Uncanny Dodge halve the damage from spells? The feature says Attack but dont mention Attack Action .tks