In Xanthar’s, Shadow Blade is on the Warlock spell list. If a Profane Soul Blood Hunter were to learn/cast, could they activate Crimson Rite with the magically-created Blade? If so, how does that interact with the thrown/bonus action component of the spell? I imagine they could! However, as soon as the blade vanishes/is thrown, the rite fades and must be re-applied
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 31, 2018
Critical Role
Exandria is the name of the world on which most events of Critical Role take place. Tal’dorei and Wildemount
Do blood curses work on vampires or only for Profane Soul?
Blood Hunter question: Do blood curses work on vampires or only for Profane Soul? . Asking for a friend trying to put a blood curse on Strahd at level 4… Vampires do indeed have blood in their body, by my reckoning, in most settings. Feeding only intensifies the argument. So I would rule yes to being effected by a blood curse.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) February 14, 2018
The Blood may just no longer pump/is cold and still in their veins.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) February 14, 2018
You can download Blood Hunter class here:
How does the Bloodletting Focus domain feature interact with spells like Hunter’s Mark?
how does the Bloodletting Focus domain feature interact with spells that don’t explicitly deal damage but increase the damage you deal (e.g., Hunter’s Mark)?It only effects spells that directly do damage, so no effect on hunter’s mark and their ilk
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) March 25, 2018
Blood Hunter Profane soul: do you get access to the expanded spell lists for the warlock patrons?
quick question with the profane soul subclass of the blood hunter. Do you get access to the expanded spell lists for the warlock patrons or no? You do not. The benefits are only those included with the Order.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 3, 2018
Why does Blood Hunter have no feature at 13th level?
Why does Blood Hunter have no feature at 13th level, despite the fact that Dead Levels don’t exist in 5E?They gain a new Blood Curse, and their proficiency bonus increases at 13. 🙂
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) February 23, 2018
You can download Blood Hunter class here:
The Tal’dorei map is well detailed but still vague enough to insert your own villages or hamlets
I think what I love most about the Taldorei campaign setting is that the map is well detailed but still vague enough to insert your own villages or hamlets into the setting. #sparkstheimagination That was the intent! 🙂
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) February 19, 2018
Can a player use Blood Rite’s on ranged weapons or the ammo?
I just have a question about the Blood Hunter class. Can a player use Blood Rite’s on ranged weapons or the ammo?On the ranged weapon, yes! It briefly confers the damage bonus to any ammo fired.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 27, 2018
You can download Blood Hunter class here:
Blood Hunter for mutagen, can you take multiple at 3rd lvl and have all their effects?
Question about blood hunter class. For mutagen, can you take multiple at 3rd lvl and have all their effects or not until 7th lvl? You can have multiple mutagens to choose from, but can only create one per short rest until lvl 7.
— Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercer) January 4, 2018