How common are inter-humanoid species relationships in the Forgotten Realms?

how common are inter-humanoid species relationships in the realms? Do they tend to get looked down upon?Commoner than most folk in the Realms notice, or believe. As high as 20 percent in some places. How they're viewed varies widely, with the.. — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 18, 2017 …viewers. More rural = more accepting of […]

Do you know of any wandering bladesinger masters in the Forgotten Realms my elf may apprentice to?

dear sage, do you know of any wandering bladesinger masters in the Realms my elf may apprentice to? Do they have any quirks?I know of at least a dozen. Most are loners, but a few (Laethra Longtresses comes to mind) are gregarious and might take on an apprentice. + — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 21, […]