I see that features from Way of the Sun Soul has different writing on Xanathar’s

Can a Simulacrum of a legendary creature use its legendary and/or lair actions?

If a spell’s material components are consumed, can a spellcasting focus still be used in place of the consumed component?

Do Warlock spells granted by the Patron count against the number of spells known?

Can you create the Point of Origin for a Fireball within an area that you can’t see such as darkness or if you are blind?

Jump and Lesser Restoration are spells with range of touch, but require no attack roll and have no saving throw. So, if I cast them through my familiar on an enemy, do they just…happen?

In D&D, making multiple attacks with weapons, fists, claws, horns, and the like is usually done via the Extra Attack feature and the Multiattack action