Why is it call Eldritch Cannon?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

What is magebreeding exactly? I thought only House Vadalis could do it. What makes them different than the Kech Ruuska for example?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

What’s up with the Dol- creatures that are part of the Daelkyr forces? Are there just Dolgrim and Dolgaunts?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

What age does a Changeling child start to develop their changeling abilities?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Circle of the Forged – Its certainly combat oriented, similar to the Moon Druid. Is it intended for Wild Shape to still be an Action to use?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Is the Gnoll bite really only 1d4 or should it 1d6 like the Lizardman bite?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

If the Toorn Clan has ties to the cults of the dragon below and the Aashta Clan has ties to the Gatekeepers HOW do these clans coexist in the tharashk Triumvirate?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild