What is the overall fashion in Sarlona like?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Silver Flame Church: How would it’s members act if one of their numbers was born from a demon lord and this guy didn’t know?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Years ago I saw Eberron and snobbed on it with claims of robot dinosaurs and trains

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Have you ever given though to what modern-ish materials Eberron might have?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Spirits leaving the Demon Wastes must travel through the Labyrinth. Is it only fiends, or celestials too?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild

Why is it call Eldritch Cannon?

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild