I’m going to be placing a chaotic dwarf on trial Any inside info on this process?

Good Sir, I’m going to be placing a chaotic dwarf on trial.Shift of political power, he lost.Any inside info on this process?ThxHeh. What is the jurisdiction trying the dwarf? Waterdeep? Cormyr? Sembia? Outside the Realms? (Matters. ;} ) — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 11, 2017 NE of Neverwinter. It’s a clan he helped start, but […]

Could you help me with understanding how Luiren is pronounced?

Hey there Ed! Could you help me with understanding how Luiren is pronounced? Depends on where you're from in the Realms. "Loo-er-en" is Sword Coast AND in Luiren, "Lurr-en" is Vilhon Reach and eastern Inner Sea. — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 22, 2017 A pleasure! Always ha[ppy to talk Realmslore! — Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August […]