This is probably the most pedantic thing I’ve ever asked of you @TheEdVerse, but it’s been bugging me for a while.Do all people in your setting refer to mugs as tankards or is this just a tavern thing? And is there a Realmsian word for mugs?No. Tankards are "tankards," and mugs are "mugs," in the Realms. [And a mug without a handle is a "cup."]
If your mug is double-height and (the important part) has a lid that can be flipped up out of the way or down over the interior, it's a tankard.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 3, 2021
Taverns “always” serve ale in tankards to avoid flies and such falling into the liquid (I put “always” in quotes because rural taverns often serve regulars with mugs, saving the lidded tankards for strangers.) No one uses the word “mug” when ordering or… 3)
…serving, they speak of "an ale" (Another ale, saer?). Oh, and in the passage you attached, editing glitched one thing: "tall glasses" should be "tallglasses"…in the Realms, a "tallglass" is rather like a flared-from-the-base (no stem) champagne flute.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 3, 2021
But if you were washing, buying, or handling the thing you get your ale in and it happens to be a mug, as an object, it's called a "mug." (And kaethe, soup, etc. comes in it, in taverns, where in an upscale eatery, soup would come in a bowl.)#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 3, 2021