Good evening again, Saer @TheEdVerse, I come once more with humble Waterdhavian inquiries.
Did we ever discover the fate of the siblings Rayland and Talandra Roaringhorn in the IDW comic series? My Eldritch Knight Tovarisch in Descent into Avernus was from a lesser branch of the Roaringhorns in Amphail, so this something dear to my heart, as well as worldbuilding for the Lore & Order show.
— The Angry Philosopher on Drugs 💡 (@OfficialAPoD) January 6, 2022
Discover it with me now. ;}
Rayland was as good at intrigues as his father and uncle, and more handsome and dashing than both put together. He had three lovers, and children with each, before marrying and having four children.
#Realmslore 2)
First, he shared a bed with Sharrandra Drethen, a wealthy young woman from Amn who was then in Scornubel; she bore a daughter, Saeril, a quiet genius, mimic, and superb actress who is VERY good at deceptions and intrigues, …#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
…Lharauva Hethenwood, a ranger and Harper from Berdusk. She bore him a second daughter, Teiraskeira (“TEER-ask-keera”), who was a wild-spirited, fiery-tempered “tomboy” type from birth, and is an emerald-eyed and flame-haired… 5)
…adventurer faring far across the inner Heartlands, having left both her parents behind but not in anger.
Then Rayland settled in Silverymoon and consorted with the half-elf Imbeirimra (“Imm-beer-IMM-rah”) Shalantwynter, and…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
…they had a daughter Eirel (“EAR-ell”) who is a serene painter, sculptor, seamstress (making much of her coin creating beautiful gowns that fetch high prices in Silverymoon) and harpist (harpist, not Harper). Rayland and… 7)
…Imbeirimra drifted apart, as he’d done with both of his previous lovers, but he seems to have the knack for parting on good terms with women, and without dispute or bitterness he left Imbeirimra amd Silverymoon and spent some…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
…time with the Roaringhorns in Cormyr, seeing the Dales (which he liked, as “beautiful backlands”) and Sembia (which he hated, as “crass and brash and haughty with nothing behind it but coin, or pretense of coin”) ere coming… 9)
…to an agreement with the Cormyrean Roaringhorns to set himself up as a wayhouse and trader for them in Secomber, “within hail of Waterdeep without being under the eye and shadow of his father,” as he put it. There he met an…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
…older, plainer woman, a limping retired adventurer with sharper wits than his own, and was smitten.
It took a year or two of wooing before commoner Semmera Lathdale agreed to wed him, but their union has been strong and… 11)
…happy: she rules the roost, he does as she directs and they wax richer thereby because she has thrice the head for business than most nobles, and they dwell in a grand house in Secomber and quietly own over thirty more…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
…thanks to shrewd purchases by Semmera, some of them “safehouses” and others always rented out. Over a decade, Rayland and Semmera have had two daughters followed by two sons; from eldest to youngest, these are: Phandele, … 13)
…Tammur, Ornatar, and Revrel. The last three are too young to be married (by Heartlands customs), but all of Rayland’s other children are quite old enough to both have offspring and to be wed.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
Which brings us to Talandra, last seen in the Border Kingdoms. She has not wed, but has taken
many lovers, most human (at least one elf and two half-elves) and mainly male (one of the half-elves and several humans have been… 15)
…female). Like Rayland, she has a knack for parting on good terms with lovers, though she has a far hotter temper than he does—and she’s shown no signs of getting pregnant no matter what she does.
Interestingly, Talandra…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
…encountered (in Derlusk) a quiet, studious woman who claimed to be Taevra Roaringhorn, a younger sister she never knew about. Taevra is a scribe and bookbinder and sage-in-training, and looks so like a slenderer version of… 17)
…Talandra that she believes they’re blood-kin, though she has no idea how their parents kept her existence secret—or even if she’s a half-sister, perhaps the result of her father taking a secret lover…and Taevra hasn’t said.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022
Many noble families in the Realms have this sort of web of scattered legitimate and bastard kin spread across Faerûn and beyond. I have pages of informal notes, prepared back when “the Young Dragons” were writing their… 19)
…first books in the Realms, and there were plans for series involving nobles; I was going to gift them each a family to play with, and watch the fun. ;}#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 7, 2022