The Woods in the later 1400s DR has no less than three active druidic circles.
Nigh the city, the Watchers of the Wood is dedicated to preventing its spread (and refuse dumping and other civic despoiling of the forest).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 12, 2021
The Woods in the later 1400s DR has no less than three active druidic circles.
Nigh the city, the Watchers of the Wood is dedicated to preventing its spread (and refuse dumping and other civic despoiling of the forest). 2)
Herrevan’s Seven, in the southeast, is a secretive group bent on “gardening” a particular long-abandoned, collapsed dwarven mine (now an open-to-the-sky ravine) into a rich local sylvan habitat (and herb nursery).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 12, 2021
Dundar Herrevan secretly supplies several herbalists in Neverwinter, but they are sworn to give a false tale (about one “Red Lhaevur, of Secomber,” actually a now-dead foe of Herrevan) as to the source of their herbs. 4)
And the third circle, at the northeasternmost end of the wood, is the Ghost Ring, the undead remains of druids who still meet in a glade they were guarding, long after being slain by the Twisted Rune, who by happenstance… #Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 12, 2021
…met and conferred there, and wanted all witnesses eliminated.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 12, 2021