Why on Critical Role do you have the player multiply their die roll x2?

One thought on “Why on Critical Role do you have the player multiply their die roll x2?

  1. The_hedonist says:

    One version is a technical version meant to give a higher average when a critical hit is made (2 separate rolls) : the other is a classic simplification of an adapted (originally unofficial) rule of doubling damage when a critical hit is made. The first is more controlled as you could roll extremely high on the first damage roll and extremely low on the second, making a mid range average- higher than basic damage, but not rediculously high. The second DOUBLES the damage, much like a thieves backstab multiplier of old. A high roll here could become a one shot shot dragon killer. It can also complicate other multipliers, like the previously mentioned backstab ( backstab with crit- double then add another roll, double then double again, or triple the damage?). All are legitimate if everyone playing agrees. Whoever runs the game is the final interpreter of the rules, so their way is the way you should use – so long as it is used consistently, not just when advantageous to one side or another.

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