In your opinion, which 5e #DnD published adventure should I buy first?Are you a new Dungeon Master?
— Christopher Lindsay (@Onnatryx) August 6, 2017
I’ve been DMing for about 12 years, but I’m now slowly updating my library. I’ve recently got the three basics and Volo’sMostly I DMed 3.5, just recently we've changed to 5e
— Carlos A. Berlitz (@caberlitz) August 6, 2017
If you're looking to get comfortable with the new rules, the Lost Mine of Phandelver in the Starter Set is brilliant. #WOTCstaff
— Christopher Lindsay (@Onnatryx) August 6, 2017
I was actually looking more for the hardcover ones, but the reviews about the Starter Set are great. Sadly I’ll get it only by Sep 22ndWell… with that kind of XP… I'd say jump into Tomb of Annihilation on release. #WOTCstaff
— Christopher Lindsay (@Onnatryx) August 6, 2017