What is the best source book for someone wanting to get into Greyhawk setting?
— Cj de Boer (@seige83) August 2, 2017
This is the primary source IMO, but I'm a Gygaxian originalist when it comes to the setting. #wotcstaff https://t.co/pVJwWDUw4U https://t.co/bVG2BQQsf4
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 2, 2017
I respect that other writers brought interesting stuff to the setting, but to me it's Gygax's world.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 2, 2017
I definitely enjoyed running “the gospel according to Gygax” for that 5E playtest Greyhawk campaign.There are a surprising number of primary sources of information, way beyond even just the boxed set or folio (which both have unique info!)
— Rodney Thompson (@AntarianRanger) August 2, 2017
I spent a bunch of time digging through Dragon articles and found tons of information written by Gygax. Some of it even got used in the game
— Rodney Thompson (@AntarianRanger) August 2, 2017
does that statement make you more cautious to create within Greyhawk?
— Dave Clark (@bedirthan) August 2, 2017
I'd try to extend and build on what Gary wrote, rather than make huge revisions or add some big new element. Make what's there vivid. https://t.co/mTWmnrWp1z
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) August 2, 2017