@wax_eagle @JeremyECrawfordCould I get some clarity on thieves tools and lockpicking. Do you need the tools? Do you need proficiency? anyone can use tools, prof bonus adds if proficient. No tools, DM can say no check or disadvantage.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 14, 2014
DMG p.103 “locked doors” entry states you must have the tools AND proficiency to pick the lock. Is this a typo, or specific over general? The specific always overrides the general.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) November 28, 2017
So, anyone can use thieves tools, but you have to be proficient to pick a locked door? What about a locked chest? Disable traps? Anyone can try, prof just means add bonus, unless lock/trap/dm expressly says otherwise
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 29, 2017