@TheEdVerse pic.twitter.com/JBvD03SIIL
Ok this one is throwing me for a loop, @TheEdVerse …Elbulder is said to be a regular town in most books but Prayers of the Faithful and Magister both say the city was a monster-infested ruin… R there 2 Elbulders? Was there a period of time when it was hidden from folk? Help?— Artie Pavlov is vaccinating, and so should you! (@Artie_Pavlov) December 29, 2021
You have stumbled on an untold tale of the Realms. As in, a computer game license (back in the days of cartidges and consoles) that, AFAIK, never got made.
There are indeed two Elbulders.
The older one is the monster-haunted, abandoned ruin that was going to be… 2)
…the setting for the game (which was a mainly-above-ground dungeon; think of the up-and-down and around corners streets we see in the fighting in Dale, in The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies), that was never rebuilt after its abandonment because of the…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 29, 2021
…wild magic and living spells still active in it (it got that way after both sides in a pitched battle to rule it used reckless magic, that collided and combined and got away from their control, utterly).
The newer one is “just next door.” What happened was: … 4)
…old Elbulder had a stream running through it that got put into pipes and used for drinking water, and then passed out of Ebulder and drained into the River Arran. Elbulder couldn’t expand upstream/east, along the banks of the Arran, because of a second…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 29, 2021
…stream, that rose as a spring to form a big marshy area.
When Old Elbulder was abandoned, a new and much smaller community (“new” Elbulder, or just “Elbulder”) was built east of this marsh, on the banks of the Arran, and the Old Road was re-routed to reach… 6)
…the Arran through it, at a spot that like old Elbulder took the road across the river via a wagon-ferry (big barge on cables), but unlike the old site, was situated at a spot where the river was narrower and shallower, so over time a ford could be built by…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 29, 2021
…dumping stones into the river in a raised but submerged roadbed.
Because this was going to be the basis for an outside-license game, and therefore hush-hush until the game's big release, this local Realmslore just never got mentioned in print. Until now.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 29, 2021