Tarrasque (Showcase) by Justine Jones
Final Ink: Used for the card! Digital changes include some added digital black outlines and digital cleanup, as well as moving tailspikes in Photoshop to make sure the front claw and the tail not overlap per AD request. There are some random pencil marks that you should be able to see on the photo
Final Ink: Used for the card! Digital changes include some added digital black outlines and digital cleanup, as well as moving tailspikes in Photoshop to make sure the front claw and the tail not overlap per AD request. There are some random pencil marks that you should be able to see on the photo
Ink Rough: A messier version of the final done in ink- Justine will often do a looser ink in pen before going over with cleaner lines. The face is clean and detailed, with the rest being slightly looser pen and pencil mixed together.
Pencil Sketch: Well rendered face and upper spikes, then becomes very loose as you move down the page to get the feel of the figure and the form. The sketch is a different/ more vertical format than the final, changed for composition reasons.