“@KiloGex: how much do you plan for PC wanderings within [an] adventure?”
I assume it'll happen, but I don't plan for it. I rely on improv.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) March 13, 2015
dungeon master

True Polymorph
@Lexar131 @wotc_rodney @calebrus44 @JeremyECrawfordAlso what about true polymorph him self into a chair? believe only damage or physical disruption as judged by DM – polymorph wouldn't break it
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) March 15, 2015

Spirit Guardian
@calebrus44A PC can dash & move SpiritGuardian’s 15′ radius 60′ hitting dozens of enemies with 3+d8 each rd, kiting? House rule time. Keep in mind that the spell forces a creature to save only once per turn, and the cleric has to maintain concentration.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 12, 2015
@JeremyECrawford Still potentially over 100 targets per turn, and requires a houserule of "enter" being voluntary in my mind.
— calebrus44 (@calebrus44) March 12, 2015
@calebrus44 The potential is high, but in play, we haven't seen that potential reached, with opportunity attacks and terrain in the mix.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 12, 2015
@calebrus44Once again, even if we disagree, thanks for taking the time to answer. 🙂 I'm happy to answer! And we disagreed? I explained how the spell works (RAW) and agreed about its potential power.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 12, 2015
@calebrus44 The distinction I often make is between the potential and the actual abuse of a rule. I'm far more concerned about actual abuse.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 12, 2015
@calebrus44And I tend err on the side of caution and view the potential abuse just as harshly. That's definitely your prerogative as a DM, especially because you know the likelihood of your players to abuse something.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 12, 2015

Mine value
10% of profits from the mine…any kind of rough estimate of what that turns into, gold wise?
@Brail4 10% of profits from the mine…any kind of rough estimate of what that turns into, gold wise? It’s up to the DM, depending on the campaign, but I’d place it at 500 gp per month or so. Remember, it’s profits rather than income.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) September 16, 2014

Golden Rule 21 – The game must go on
@ChrisPerkinsDnD is the hardest thing about DnD having a consistent number of sessions with the everyone's busy schedules?
— Alec Church (@Tallguyalec) May 29, 2015
My rule is: The game must go on. It's uncommon, even at Wizards, to have a session where all players are present. https://t.co/wyJR5V8WPE
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) May 29, 2015
@ChrisPerkinsDnD What happens to characters of absent players in your games?
— Tybbie (@Tybert) May 29, 2015
They get eff'd in the ay. https://t.co/5ZKEXZStXl
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) May 29, 2015

Golden Rule 18
How you DM is as unique as how you paint or how you write. No two DMs are alike, and that's as it should be.
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) May 5, 2015

Golden Rule 2
I like how often you and Mike Mearls seem to disagree too.
@MykroftHolmes @mikemearlsI like how often you two seem to disagree too. As codesigners, DMs, and friends, Mike and I share a deep love for D&D, as well as for debating its finer points!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 17, 2014

Advice you’d give to someone wanting to write down and flesh out their campaign setting?
@ChrisPerkinsDnD What would be a piece of advice you'd give to someone wanting to write down and flesh out their campaign setting?
— Mistle-Rose (@RoseArtemis) November 27, 2016
Start with a small geographical area, such as a village and environs, or an island. Avoid defining the whole world up front. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/SP0GKnI5pM
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) November 27, 2016
@ChrisPerkinsDnD Sitting down to do some writing; Do you start with history, or plot structure, when building a new adventure?
— Exploding DM ☠ (@Askren) November 27, 2016
I write the adventure synopsis (summary) first and try to keep it brief. It helps me internalize the scope. Then I do maps. #WOTCstaff https://t.co/f9d4K3OiKC
— Christopher Perkins (@ChrisPerkinsDnD) November 27, 2016