Hi sir. Question for you dased on you being a DM And Book writing.
In D&D How many times can a player Multiclass. There's no hard limit on how many times you can multiclass in 5e. As long as you can still gain levels and you meet the pre-requisites, you can gain a level in a new class. You could gain a level in every class if you really wanted to, though it wouldn't be a good idea.
— Armando Doval (@armando_doval) March 15, 2018
That's correct, @armando_doval.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 16, 2018
Lol I was just kidding on answering my tweet to you ASAP. But awesome that you did. I’m lol right now. Ok have a wonderful night. And get to bed soon. Sweet dreams to you!
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 16, 2018