I want trap my party in the realm of dreams, but can’t put half-elf to sleep. Any ideas?

One thought on “I want trap my party in the realm of dreams, but can’t put half-elf to sleep. Any ideas?

  1. D. Walker says:

    Half-Elves have resistance to magical sleep, but they do still sleep naturally every night, unlike full Elves. If all you need is a way to get them asleep in order for them to become trapped, you’ve already got one.

    If there’s a limitation to how they get trapped – for example, if they would normally wake up after sleeping for awhile, but you want to keep them trapped by magically extending their sleep / preventing them from waking up, there’s a fix for that too.

    Half-Elves only have resistance to ~magical~ sleep. There’s nothing stopping you from keeping them unconscious via non-magical means. For example, a poison of some sort could work nicely.

    Maybe the party interacts with a kindly seeming NPC who offers them hospitality in the form of good food and drink, but it is laced with a subtle sedative, and the party goes off to bed full and happy, and very sleepy, to the point that even if they set up a night watch, the person on guard still falls asleep. Then they’re kept asleep with regular doses of more sedative.

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