@SlyFlourish @mikemearls @ChrisSSimsSpecifically, in #dnd 5e narrative combat how would you handle cone attacks? I usually wing it. But here's a trick: divide a cone's size by 10 (round up) for the number of targets.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 7, 2014
@vikke064 @SlyFlourish @mikemearls @ChrisSSimsSo 2 targets in a 15ft cone? Yes, if you're using the divide-by-10 (round up) trick.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) September 7, 2014
@SlyFlourish @JeremyECrawfordso the Ancient Red can hit nine!? Awesome! To me, it's more interesting, because I can imagine the cone being sprayed around, instead of frozen in space.
— Chris Sims (@ChrisSSims) September 8, 2014