@TheEdVerse Hey Ed! How common are tattoos amongst various races in Faerûn? Do different cultures use different methods and substances?
— Melody (@logidoggy) November 11, 2022
Henna bodypainting (sometimes quite elaborate, but wears off with skin layers) is quite common, especially south and east from the Vilhon, but permanent tattoos less so. Guilds and cults sometimes use brands (as, of course, do slavers).
Yes, different methods and.. 2)
…materials are used from place to place and culture to culture. In Veldorn and the Shaar, there's a lot of use of cinnabar and other red-hued substances injected just under the skin (don't do this for real: the mercury in cinnabar gets absorbed by the body).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) November 11, 2022