Does a Rakshasa’s ‘Limited Magic Immunity’ protect it from weapons enhanced by Shillelagh?

One thought on “Does a Rakshasa’s ‘Limited Magic Immunity’ protect it from weapons enhanced by Shillelagh?

  1. D. Walker says:

    “Shillelagh and magic weapon are spells. Limited Magic Immunity prevents a rakshasa from being affected by spells of 6th level or lower, unless it wishes to be.”

    Except the spells Shillelagh and Magic Weapon do not target or affect the Rakshasa – they target and affect the weapons they are cast on.

    Would you argue that casting Transmute Rock and creating a pit of mud underneath the Rakshasa has no effect?

    Surely it would still fall into the mud and suffer all the effects of such, despite the mud being crated by a spell? Surely it doesn’t make any sense at all for it to instead walk around on top of the mud as if it were still stone?

    Can a Rakshasa see creatures or objects that have been made Invisible by a spell? Would it take no damage from being struck by an object which was set into motion by a spell? Would it not slip on ice created by a spell?

    Shillelagh and Magic Weapon are -Transmutation- spells. They change the very nature of the things they affect. They temporarily turn ordinary weapons into more powerful magical weapons. And a Rakshasa does not gain any special protection from magical weapons due to Limited Magic Immunity.

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