D&D CARDS – Equipment, Treasure, Condition, Inspiration and many more!

Paul Weber created these amazing cards over 450 printable free cards. Equipment, Treasure, Condition, Inspiration and Initiative: with gear, items, vehicles, food, mounted equipment, weapons, armor, gems, art objects, coins and conditions.

Download Equipment Cards : http://bit.ly/DnDEquipCards

Download Treasure Cards: http://bit.ly/TreasureCardsDnD

Download Condition Cards: http://bit.ly/ConditionCards

Download Inspiration&Initiative Cards: http://bit.ly/InspirationInitiativeCards

Download Spell Slot Cards: http://bit.ly/SpellSlotCards

ERRATA: If you are looking for daily Revised Cards updates check Paul Weber FB Page

The PDF also contains instructions on how to print and build the cards and suggestions on how to use them.

18 thoughts on “D&D CARDS – Equipment, Treasure, Condition, Inspiration and many more!

  1. > ERRATA: If you are looking for daily Revised Cards updates check Paul Weber FB Page or Download Here

    Looks like a dodgy link?!

  2. Paul K says:

    Very excellent! Thank you so much. Question… what effect did you use to make certain images look hand drawn?

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