@JeremyECrawford Can Protection From Evil and Good be cast with a component pouch or a focus?
Reference to holy water makes me think no, lack of price makes me think yes, the fact that it's consumed makes me think no again.
— Armando Doval (@armando_doval) December 22, 2017
If a spell consumes its material component, you must provide that component every time you cast it. #DnD https://t.co/SbmuYGE3qO
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 22, 2017
So the material component should be interpreted as a vial of holy water worth 25 gold OR powdered silver worth 25 gold, correct? The cost isn't a concern for that spell, only that you have some of the material for the spell to consume. It's a narrative device: sprinkling holy water or the powder.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 22, 2017
In practical terms, does that mean a flask of holy water could be reused for multiple castings of the spell?If a DM was generous and allowed that. Typically, a DM will expect a flask to be used.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) December 22, 2017
I’ve got to say it really feels like Jeremy Crawford missed the point of the question outright.
So can it be cast with just a component pouch since that is flavored to have the material components in it or does it cost 25gp worth of materials either way?
The wording of the spell leaves some ambiguity since Holy Water costs 25gp and then he provided several very ambiguous answers to valid questions.
Can we please get a definitive answer? Like either putting an errata with 25 GP worth of Holy Water (so we have to buy it and consume it) or removing the part “which the spell consumes” or some other change which remove any doubt…