@DerynDraconis Can I use Twinned Spell on Ice Knife? (lot of confusion because it calls “target” only one creature, but then ice explodes) No.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 28, 2017
@TigersEye85 @DerynDraconis It's because it can affect more than one creature.
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) April 11, 2017
@JeremyECrawford @DerynDraconis thanks, Jeremy!
— John D. (@TigersEye85) April 11, 2017
Yes you can use Twinned Spell on Ice Knife but firstly you need to cast Tensers Transformation.
This specifically goes against what Mike Mearls said in 2015!!!
Mighty Vivib
Check Sage Advice Compendium: “The public statements of the D&D team, or anyone else at Wizards of the Coast, are not official rulings; they are advice. Jeremy Crawford’s tweets are often a preview of rulings that will appear here(sage advice compendium).”