Form of the Beast – Claws
Since it doesn’t have the Light property, I can’t TWF, correct?
I’d need an actual weapon in my offhand that qualifiers, yes? Barbarian, Path of the Beast:The claws aren't valid for two weapon fighting.
— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) January 14, 2020
Claws are natural attacks not weapons thus not qualifying for feats such as two weapon fighting. they are however primary natural attacks (for your first set) so when used you get two attacks at highest bab. any additional attacks beyond a bite and gore are secondary which take a -5 penalty, or -2 with multiattack. if you have a weapon then you would need multiweapon fighting or each natural attack is treated as a secondary attack @ -5 to your highest base attack bonus
Two weapon fighting is not a feat, primary or secondary natural attacks aren’t a thing, BAB is not a thing, there are no penalties for making multiple attack, no multiweapon fighting.
You’ve got a wrong edition.
Seconding Phoenix’s response — you’re thinking 3.X/PF. This is 5E we’re talking about.
The problem here is “what if I have dual wielder feat, the one that allows me to dual wield with weapons without light property?”