New Eberron supplement: Morgrave Miscellany! New Subclasses, Races, Feats, Dragonmarks, and more!

Create Your Own Eberron D&D Adventures @ Dungeon Masters Guild


Eberron: Morgrave Miscellany

Morgrave Miscellany is the much anticipated supplement to Wayfinder’s Guide to Eberron  that comes to you by way of its co-authors Keith Baker & Ruty Rutenberg.

New subclasses: Path of the Extreme Explorer, The College of Keys, Sovereign Domain, Circle of the Arbiter, Bone Knight, Vigilante, Way of The Argent Fist, Oath of Sacrament, Field Marshal, Divine Herald, Progenitor Spark, Pact of the Host and School of Antiquities.

 …and the new races… the Dragonforged!


Spells on the Dungeon Master’s spell list include: conceal die roll, extra monster, grant…

Is there a sociological difference between a Wild Elf from the Moonshaes vs … Elvencourt, say?

“Writing helps you remember details”

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Does the Artificer’s level 6 “Alechmical Mastery” apply to the Arcane Weapon spell?

The Forgotten Realms Atlas

The Forgotten Realms Atlas, by Karen Wynn Fonstad, provides a unique geographic look at the early Realms. It was published in August 1990.
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