@TheEdVerse Friend Ed, I find myself wondering about the death of Syluné. We're told she broke a staff of the magi to kill a dragon — but why? Why did she not rely on her impressive spellcasting abilities? Has any information been given about the dragon?
— Greysil (@Greysil_Tassyr) October 14, 2019
This was during a Flight of Dragons. She had exhausted all of her resources defending Shadowdale against over sixty of them; with all of her spells gone and her minor magic exhausted, she’d channeled so much raw Weave energy through herself that her body was. 2)
And then came the largest, fiercest dragon of all, so she sacrificed herself to save Shadowdale, by breaking the staff and using its energy to destroy the wyrm. (TSR promptly pounced on the Flight of Dragons idea for later re-use.)#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) October 14, 2019