“Wolf, you are an utter BASTARD!”
“And…?” 2)
“And—and—how do you expect teamwork, loyalty, and effectiveness if we’re all at each other’s throats?”
“Discipline. If you fear me, and obey me, I get the deeds I want done. In a timely fashion, I might add. …#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
… And the realm lurches on. Good governance, they call it.”
“GOOD GOVERNANCE? What’s BAD governance?”
“Executions, civil war, general unrest, no nightsoil pickup…”
“And an INVASION, perhaps?”
“Well, we all have our off days.” 4)
“OFF days? The kingdom is in flames around us! We can’t even keep track of all the invading armies! They’re fighting each other over what scraps are left of our fair Neverune! How do you put a bright face on THAT?”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
“Easy. There’s only one way to go: up. AND free fillets of slithermaws and likely giant gonth snail, too, soon.”
“At the risk of sounding repetitious: Wolf, you’re INCREDIBLE. And an utter bastard.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019