@TheEdVerse You've created adventures and modules for D&D and the Forgotten Realms. Which ones are your favorites and most beloved, and why?
— Alameda (@pauloalmeida074) March 8, 2021
I’m not sure I have one. Most of my published adventure design was in the pre-digital era, so wordcount was always my foe; I’m always wincing at what had to be left out, and lamenting the difference in play between the “home” Realms campaign, which is all… 2)
…character interaction with NPCs, intrigue, multiple interwoven subplots with game focus driven by the players, etc.
So I look at Undermountain or Myth Drannor or The Halls of The High King and think "I got to put a lot of goodies in that, it's a fun toolbox." …#Realmlore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2021
And I look at the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and think, “Well, I managed to shoehorn about a tenth of the original into those scant pages, but I think the skeleton that’s left works pretty well.”
So, those are some adventures I think turned out successfully. 4)
And I guess that's as close as I come to favourites.
I'm more in love with the Volo's Guides and big sandboxes like the Waterdeep boxes or the FR Adventures hardcover.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 8, 2021