Great explanation! Which country produces better merchants, Ed? Amn or Sembia?
— Andrew (@wombat1974) February 10, 2020
…Valley (innovation), but trying hard to become Wall Street (speculation, investments, money breeding money) as fast as possible. Amn is richer, and has been richer for longer, so one can argue that every merchant alive today has personally benefitted from the…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 10, 2020
…infrastructure built by previous generations, and had to do less to do well than Sembians. On the other hand, Sembia’s neighbors, such as the Dales and the Moonsea, would say Sembians have profited by being the physical “middlemen” for wealth that isn’t…#Realmslore 4)
…really theirs but has to flow through them to reach larger markets/the wider Realms, so they've exploited the labor of others and so ALSO had it easier.
See what I mean about it being hard to judge, and be fair, and how things can be seen so differently?#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 10, 2020
That's realism for you. ;}#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 10, 2020