Comment from discussion When developing 5e, did you ever run into situations where you wanted to bring a 4e concept over, but had to change terminology to avoid political/PR concerns?Can’t think of any – we thought of using healing surge in place of HD, but HD won out because the mechanic was just different enough from 4e that it caused confusion.
It’s a good lesson – I think using CR for monster power in 5e was a mistake, because I see people defaulting to the 3e definition, which is not exactly correct.AMA: Mike Mearls, Co-Designer of D&D 5, Head of D&D R&D.
It’s a good lesson – I think using CR for monster power in 5e was a mistake, because I see people defaulting to the 3e definition, which is not exactly correct.AMA: Mike Mearls, Co-Designer of D&D 5, Head of D&D R&D.