Hey there Mister @TheEdVerse, would you mind enlighten me with your delightful knowledge?
What kind of food and drink (besides wine, of course) would an elven festival in Evereska feast on? 1)
If the festival has light “finger foods” rather than huge, sit-down formal banquets, it would likely feature the following (all from local ingredients):#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2021
Thammaera (mint salads: mixed broadleaf plants and brassica buds [think “Brussels sprouts”] flavored with a fermented mixroot dressing, which the crushed, sprinkled-on mint leaves react with to create a sweet-sour taste). 3)
Bowls of pynchanar (we would say antipasto) of chopped, diced particular types of olives, nuts, and forest roots.
Sorren (fried, salted rhubarb shaft).
Tathkaer (fried, salted plantain).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2021
Mint jelly (bonded as well as American canned cranberry jello, and served in cut slices; dark green translucent).
Mixed-berry jellies, some curried, some nut-roast, and some sweet (these are loose spreads, that go on marangar [see #7, below]).5)
Lathklan (fried, salted dew-worms [thick, white before frying, segmented]).
Murlathan (fried, salted ground-worms; brown, small, segmented, and when fried are like crispy potato fries, but with a walnut taste).#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2021
Brathaer (think of flatbread, but made by making an omelette of particular forest-bird eggs atop leaves of particular forest vines [randreen and horlthra] that half-melt, bond with the egg, then harden when cool into a… 7)
…cracker/biscuit-like rigid consistency).
Marangar (this is like cabbage in its looks and structure, but tastes like semi-sweet mango if left raw, layers torn apart for eating, but more like cornbread if torn apart and the… #Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2021
…pieces fried). This is everyday “fill up” food, but when served at feasts, the cooks go wild in seasoning it, so everyone’s is different, and feasters may be offered six or seven very different tastes.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2021