Manshoon is oft described as “darkly handsome” is this just reference to hair colour and demeanor, or is his skin more dusky as well? I suspect its NDA as well, but what is his ethnicity? Chondathan? Tethyrian? many thanks again and best wishes to you and your wife~gg Manshoon’s family called itself Chondathan but were really Vaasan (& had Netherese blood). His skin is bone-white, hair jet black with heavy black brows, sideburns, and forearm hair. He has “fine” (chiseled) features (cheeks go in, prominent brow ridges), and long thin fingers.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 21, 2018
He’s regarded as darkly handsome because of the sleek jet black hair and brows, and the startling (riveting, “snapping”) dark eyes (oft described as having the gaze of a hawk).
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 21, 2018