What happens when a wildshaped druid that has had its HP max reduced reverts back to normal?

2 thoughts on “What happens when a wildshaped druid that has had its HP max reduced reverts back to normal?

  1. Brendan says:

    Ok, related question; if a Druid’s wildshape form (say, a bear) has its hp max reduced to 0 (in this case by mummy rot), and the druid reverts back to normal, can the druid then turn back into the bear form by expending another use of wild shape, or is the “bear” effectively removed as a possible form until restored in some way?

    • John Preis says:

      Each use of Wild Shape is a separate expression of power; in this context, it’s no different than when a caster’s familiar is killed/destroyed and he just summons it or another via Find Familiar again. It comes back with whatever points it’s supposed to have normally. Same in this case. The “bear” the druid transforms into isn’t a specific, singular entity, but rather just a form metaphysically superimposed on the original form of the druid.

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