@mikemearls @ChrisPerkinsDnD what happens to a warlock who disobeys or opposes their patron?
— Russell Tassicker (@rtassicker) January 30, 2016
A fun campaign! The patron can’t take away abilities, but will likely send agents or omens to harass/punish. https://t.co/w0k7jQR72M
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 30, 2016
can’t? Why not? Made deal. Break deal = collect soul, or at least cut off power at an unopportune moment. Like electric company Warlocks *learn* abilities and magic from their patrons. The fluff isn’t like a cleric/deity, but student/teacher.
@mpetruzz @thekittenhugs Not in any game I DM. That’s called a wizard. Power comes from the pact. Terms determine length of your leash
it’s up to each DM, based on campaign. IMC, I have a fey pact ‘lock who hunts elves, pact = curse in this case— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) January 30, 2016
@Matt Petruzzeli Doesn’t really matter what you DM.
That’s fine and you can do that, but the question here is what is the canon rules are written.
Any DM can run it how they like ofcourse, but that is homebrewed.
And it’s written quite clearly as the fact they LEARN abilities.
Which is a relief to me, gives me hope that warlocks aren’t so lame, they aren’t being given power, just got a really enlightened teacher.
the counter argument here though is a DM needs to be wise enough to have patron part of locks story. the bam you have power and never show up again is by definition against the student/mentor ideals