Want to cut down on referencing monster stats as you play? Use half a monster's CR as its bonus for all checks and saves. If the monster has legendary actions or is notably powerful in your campaign, also add its proficiency bonus.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 11, 2017
This approach trades detail for speed of play – one number covers a lot of things that might come up.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 11, 2017
Did some quick and dirty analysis of the SRD to maybe get an answer to this. Came up with some rules of thumb using nice round numbers. pic.twitter.com/0DeVCQlStO
— Dylan (@physicynicism) November 11, 2017
I just did the linear fit then rounded the gradient and y-intercept, making sure i still looked half-decent by eye. Looking at it now I might even nix the offset entirely and just do CR*15. Like I said, not a particularly careful analysis 😝
— Dylan (@physicynicism) November 11, 2017
Not sure what you mean to be honest. Just ran the data through SciPy’s curve_fit. I’m not up on the details.
— Dylan (@physicynicism) November 11, 2017
CR > 20 sees a sharp rise in HP (I neglected it previously, seems like a different regime to me) which drags it up a tad, but it's much the same really. Especially consider we're interested in nearest-integer answers. pic.twitter.com/b1ERBBTHB4
— Dylan (@physicynicism) November 11, 2017
The plotting itself is done in matplotlib. If you ask SciPy to fit to a straight line, what it gives you is the slope and intercept. It’ll fit to any function you like though, given enough time. I love this entire thread.
— Mike Mearls (@mikemearls) November 12, 2017