Y’all figure trans folks in Rashemen are treated by gender ID in terms of what paths they can take, or does it present uncomfortable choices and challenges for them?
I figure the spirits would see them spiritually, not physically The only time this came up in play in the original Realms campaign, the ranking witches on the spot (NPCs, played by me as DM) decided. They are dead set against outlander male adventurers disguising themselves as female to infiltrate Rashemen for personal larcenous purposes. …
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 4, 2018
…had to stereotype the Rashemi, it would be accepting and tolerant of the full range of genders…but used to daily seeing "straight," with females dominant. So not opposed, but anything different from that "norm" will attract interest.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 4, 2018
…had to stereotype the Rashemi, it would be accepting and tolerant of the full range of genders…but used to daily seeing "straight," with females dominant. So not opposed, but anything different from that "norm" will attract interest.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 4, 2018
Maybe the spirits basically tell the hathran what sort of person this individual is, and where they fit? Maybe there is a small space for such individuals that isn’t open to either strictly male or female rashemi? Certainly. The hathran are primarily concerned with loyalty to the ideals of Rashemen as a society, and whether a given individual should be trained and accepted as a witch, or not. There's a place in society for almost everyone.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 4, 2018
Awesome answer! Thank you!
Forgive me if I’m asking an answered question, but where do minor spellcasters like Rangers fit in Rashemen, now that the line between mundane and spellcaster is less clean? The witches are social & community leaders (policymakers). Rangers have always led hunts, patrols, and work parties, and served as guides & bodyguards to witches traveling in unfamiliar-to-them parts of Rashemen (or wider Faerun). And yes, rangers lead Rashemi adventuring bands.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) August 4, 2018