The Horn of Valhalla summons Beserkers However, as the text describes them as spirits, could/should they be treated as Undead?

One thought on “The Horn of Valhalla summons Beserkers However, as the text describes them as spirits, could/should they be treated as Undead?

  1. nick says:

    well theres a differance between Dead and Undead, right? when you cast Speak with Dead, the body isnt converted to being undead, in fact the spell will fail if its an undead corps. altho they are spectral, they share no traits with the undead (eg vulnerability to radiant damage) so they should just be considered spectral humanoids. Conjure Animals dosnt actually Conjure Animals but rather fey spirits who take the form of animals, the barbarians had to go through no such change, they’re probably the same as they were in life. also their souls are far from tourmented (which is another hallmark of undeath), they are probably enjoying their afterlife of…well being summoned to battles long after their death. id say they’re not undead….
    also they would most likely be immune to the necro-wizards Command Undead ability.

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