Some thoughts about quori, kalashtar, and gender. (Quori are dream-spirits from #Eberron; kalashtar are people psychically bonded with them)It seems really strange that the quori, who don't reproduce sexually and have utterly alien physiologies, would have sexes or genders.
— Ira Fich (@Igfig) November 20, 2016
And yet, quori supposedly only bond to kalashtar of the same gender as themselves. Every kalashtar of the Harath lineage is male.
— Ira Fich (@Igfig) November 20, 2016
@Igfig Quori are incarnate ideas. They have gender in a spiritual sense – having traits we PERCEIVE as masculine/feminine. However…
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 20, 2016
@Igfig … To escape Dal Quor, these spirits had to bind themselves to mortal hosts. This WASN'T a gender match; they took what they could.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 20, 2016
@Igfig Today, when a Kalashtar child is born, they inherit the spiritual connection of the PARENT who matches their gender.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 20, 2016
@Igfig So a kalashtar essentially has two genders – that of their body, and that of their Quori – and these often don't match.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 20, 2016
@IgfigAh, okay! That makes sense. Looks like I misunderstood some passages in Races of Eberron. Thanks a lot for clearing that up! Your basic point is correct, though. Kalashtar have a fluid relationship with gender.
— Keith Baker (@HellcowKeith) November 20, 2016