You gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class. – I am looking for a clarification on what this means, do you gain a +1 on top of the armor you wear or just a +1 bonus for attaching armor to your body regarding the Warforged and Integrated Protection? I’m not sure what the distinction is between those. Can you rephrase?
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) April 26, 2020
If I add scale mail to my body would I get the AC 14+dex (2 cap) +1 for intergraded protection or would it be just a +1 to my ac regardless of the type of armor attached to my body? Integrated Protection gives you a +1 bonus to AC, whatever your AC happens to be, full stop.
You can then also wear armor you’re proficient with by incorporating it into your body.
— Dan Dillon (@Dan_Dillon_1) April 26, 2020
When you integrate heavy armor, since it’s part of your body, are you also limited top the dexterity bonus you can get from a high dex?