@calebrus44Many of us prefer RAI to RAW. Who should we ask for that? Crawford is the RAW guy. Who’s got RAI? I'm happy to give a RAI answer. Just let me know when that's what you seek. @mikemearls @wotc_rodney
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 15, 2015
@calebrus44That’s always what I seek, but I know you prioritize RAW, so I’ll try to remember to specify. 🙂 Most of the questions I receive are RAW-oriented, but RAW doesn't reign; DMs do. @mikemearls @wotc_rodney
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 15, 2015
@calebrus44That’s exactly why many of us feel that the intent > wording. Easier to make the right call. The text is the primary record of our design intent. We can comment and clarify, but the DM decides. @mikemearls @wotc_rodney
— Jeremy Crawford (@JeremyECrawford) March 16, 2015