Hi! How you been? A quick question. In “Elminster’s Forgotten Realms” you mention Blackule Lane in Neverwinter, when talking about schools in the Realms. Perchance this Lane is located in the Blacklake District? Thanks in advance 🙂 Indeed it is! (And I've been fine. Just older. ;} )
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 25, 2018
Thanks. I have other question for you, though. Do you know in which quarter of the city is located Dannars Mechanical Marvels? This one is from Volo’s Guide to the North. Yes, this two-century-old specialty shop is in the Blacklake District, next door to
Jaesor’s Fineware Porcelain Works. Jaesor’s stands on the NE corner where The Street Of Storms (which runs along the inside of the NWern run of the city wall) meets Hantor’s Lane, which runs SE.— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 26, 2018
2/ Dannar’s fronts on Hantor’s Lane.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 26, 2018
I see. So, it be accurate to say that it survived the Ruining.
Thank you. 🙂 Yes. Most things did, close to that part of the city wall.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) February 26, 2018