“Oh. I…see. Does that mean these ghosts will want to murder me? CAN ghosts murder the living?”
“Yes, and yes,” Wolf replies, as Chant beckons him away from the King, to where she can murmur to him in private.#epicfantasy 2)
He comes to her, eyebrows raised in a silent invitation to query him.
“Are all kings so pig-ignorant?” she whispers. “Or just this one?”
“Ignorant kings guarantee courtiers jobs. And room to operate.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 2, 2020
“I’m aware of that, but sometimes our Elvar seems cunning and canny—but sometimes as dense as a post.”
“That’s because there are other creatures riding his mind. Sharing his skull, if you will.”
“Creatures? MONSTERS?” 4)
Wolf shrugs. “We are ALL monsters, Lady.”
“Hoy! What’re you two whispering about? I am your KING; keep no secrets from me!”
“Just discussing bathroom needs, Your Majesty,” Chantratha calls back. “FEMININE bathroom needs.”#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 2, 2020
The King shudders, and waves them both away.
Chantratha sighs.
“At least he didn’t leer and express interest,” Wolf points out.
Chantratha takes her turn at shuddering.
As an eerie howl rises in the subterranean distances.#epicfantasy— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) May 2, 2020