Hi Mr. Greenwood, I actually have a question: it’s kinda hard to find out about kingdoms/governments established by Sea Elves, Tritons, Fey, and a few other sentient creatures. It’s almost as if only the land kingdoms and Underdark kingdoms have any lore around them. I could imagine Sea Elves and Tritons don't exactly want people to know where they are, but for all I know, Sea Elves are extremely nomadic. Maybe a small bit about those groups and their trading outposts could get released at some point, but it's all up to you and WotC.
— Jon Forel (@Jon_4L) January 18, 2019
I don’t have those, actually. It’s been hard for me to find out about materials that explore certain aspects of The Realms, so I look forward to getting those. Thank you. A pleasure! The Realms has been going as a published game world for long enough that some game lore is now hard to get or too far in the rear view mirror to get noticed, I'm afraid…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) January 18, 2019