Re-reading Spelljammer. It is cannonical that Elminster drinks German beer from Yellowstone National Park, and visits @TheEdVerse on Earth.Indeed. Since 1965, actually, before D&D. The gates between Earth and Toril have been largely forgotten by Earth…hence "Forgotten Realms."
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 18, 2017
I believe the real-world links to FR were dropped at TSR's request when they bought it due to worries kids would go looking for portals.
— Darryl Mott (@Abstruse) September 19, 2017
Darryl, you're correct. Didn't want any steam tunnel/storm sewer/disused mine tragedies…or lawsuits.
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 20, 2017
I mean, I’m not a fan of beer myself but since E is just Greenwood’s self insert it isn’t surprising Oh, no, Elminster is far from me. A common misconception. And as a diabetic, I drink very little beer, and no longer any heavy stuff…
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 19, 2017
…so, little German. I did sneak myself into the Realms in a tale, long ago, but I'm very far from being Elminster. Ho, no!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 19, 2017
And in those columns, there was a lot more consumption of cocktails (Pina Coladas, Tequila Sunrises) and pop (soda) and ICE CREAMMMMMM. ;}
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) September 19, 2017