It’s normal, all right. He IS really annoying. Most annoying would depend on who you are; if he did something that enraged you, then whatever it is becomes his most annoying exploit, to you. I would say that among his most… is it normal to find Volo REALLY annoying? What's the most annoying thing he's done?— Dr Andrew Duckworth (@optickled) March 1, 2020
…scurrilous rumor about particular guilds, talk to disaffected or expelled guild members about said gossip, then publish the results in broadsheets, wait for incandescent-with-rage guildmasters to confront him about what he’d 4)
…published, and use what they said to worm “the truth” out of them (or their version of the truth), then publish that in subsequent broadsheets, wait for disgruntled citizens to protest that the guildmasters’ claims were…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…bumpf, and record their complaints as facts to be presented to the Masked Lord. Who was ridiculed by his fellow Lords in (closed) council, when he presented them as such and they decried them as falsehoods, and him as a fool. 6)
Enough annoyance to generously go around, wouldn’t you say?#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020