Gods help me my current pet project has me trying to piece together the history of Waterdeep post-Spellplague, including the fate of the myriad noble houses. RIP my whole entire sanity. @TheEdVerse I don't suppose you can kick a brother a list of the Open Lords post-Piergeiron?
— Joseph Carriker (@oakthorne) December 1, 2019
…a wily schemer by the name of Hulkane Spaudelar. Nasal-voiced, long-nosed, and prissy, Spaudelar was widely mocked for his pet phrases and habit of waving his hands wildly in distaste, but although he had to best foes 46)
…and win arguments, he never did it for personal gain, living simply and avoiding all opportunities to gain influence or benefit. Various criminal elements of the city misread him as being ripe for subversion, and when he…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
…exposed some of their attempts to meet with him and cozen him, they assassinated him to cut short the damage he could do—so he was gone by mid-1473 DR.
This time, it was the turn of the guilds to try to control who sat in the… 48)
…Open Lord’s chair, decrying the past results of the Masked Lords voting one of their own into it or the nobles installing a candidate of their liking. Of course, the guilds couldn’t agree on a candidate, and in the end put…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
…forward six rivals. The Masked Lords liked none of them and instead plucked another independent commoner from the streets, Elchantra Gauntan, a singer, dancer, and sometime model whose good looks and good fortunes were in 50)
…her past. Wry, street-wise, and good-natured, she ruled well but her health declined under the pressure, and she froze to death one bitterly cold winter night in 1477 DR after falling asleep in her coach on the way back to…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
…the Palace, when equally weary staff overlooked her when seeing to the horses, and left her in it overnight.
What followed was known as “the Chaos,” a succession of a dozen Open Lords (a few guild candidates, but most of them… 52)
…from the ranks of the Masked Lords) being voted in and proclaimed, then assassinated after days or months, in which the city was in uproar and lawlessness rose in the streets and alleys.
Into this tumult stepped the…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
…charismatic and scheming Dagult Neverember, who held the Open Lordship for a decade, from 1479 DR until he was ousted in 1489 DR.
Laeral Silverhand was proclaimed Open Lord in 1489, and is still Open Lord (the current year 54)
…in the Realms depends on just where things stand in your Realms campaign, but published FR adventures and novels have brought us past 1492 DR).#RealmsloreYou are the Literal Best. Hope your sanity has survived, Lord Carriker!
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019
— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) December 2, 2019