@TheEdVerse I'm considering converting a worm that walks as a blessed servitor of Myrkul, kind of a "Kyuss" in the Realms pre times of troubles. Any thoughts or suggestions? This would be the grand villian of my campaign and is there an evil organization for my villian to sieze
— Travis Mayes (@TLMayesing) February 29, 2020
Great idea.
There was a mysterious robed, cowled death-cult leader calling himself “Malavor” in the cellars of Ordûlin, capitol of Sembia, in the 1340s-1360s DR (cellars guarded by animated skeletons). In reality, he was 2)
…Arnthras Relathond, a wealthy, ambitious, rising merchant who created the cult for fun and to gain himself loyal dupes he could use for dirty tricks against rival merchants (arson, vandalism, warehouse-stock thefts, and…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…assassinations—hence the worship of dead).
You could easily have the real Relathond slain and impersonated by a Worm That Walks, or have the Worm working with him, being a real servitor of Myrkul.
Sembia at this time (before 4)
…the Zhentarim, Wearers of the Purple, and Red Wizard agents become numerous and powerful) is awash in warring merchant cabals that the cult can readily absorb or influence: (often fractious and short-lived) groups of half a…#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020
…dozen to a score of merchants covertly working together for mutual gain, and calling themselves such things as The Red Flagon, The Scarab of Sembia, The Three Dread Pacts, The High Ring, and The Serpentine Chain.#Realmslore— Ed Greenwood (@TheEdVerse) March 1, 2020